18 Feb Ghin Khao | Thai restaurant Melbourne CBD directions
How to get to Ghin Khao Thai restaurant Melbourne CBD from Flinders Street station.
In this article, directions are provided on how to get to Ghin Khao Thai restaurant CBD in Melbourne from Flinders Street station. The main train station in Melbourne CBD.
When you exit Flinders Street Station, which is directly opposite Federation Square in Melbourne, you will be standing at the beginning of Swanston Street.
On the east corner of the intersection is St Paul’s Cathedral, and on the west corner is Young and Jacksons Hotel, two important landmarks in Melbourne. Walk north down Swanston Street between these two buildings.
The next intersection is Flinders Lane, where many restaurants are located. You can access Degraves Street to the west and Hosier Lane to the east along Flinders Lane. On the eastern side of Swanston St is Melbourne City Square, however the City Square is presently closed due to construction of the new Melbourne underground.
The next intersection along Swanston Street is Collins Street. On the eastern side you will see Melbourne Town Hall, which encompasses the entire city block along to Little Collins Street.
The next intersection is Bourke Street shopping mall, the main shopping area in Melbourne City where Myer and David Jones stores are located. On the north-east corner is the Telstra building.
The next intersection is Little Bourke Street, also known as Melbourne’s Chinatown, famous for many Asian restaurants. Ghin Khao Thai Restaurant is located in this precinct.